
About 180 Sqn

Information for New Cadets

New Recruit - Intake Dates:

Friday, 07 March 2025

Click here for the 180 Sqn Recruit Application
Please submit this online application

Location: Glenview Public School


What do Air Cadets do?

Air Cadets in 180 Squadron meet once a week on Fridays from 18:30 (6:30 pm) to 21:30 (9:30 pm) hrs at Glenview Public School. While there, they undergo the standard classes that are part of the Air Cadet program. That is, aviation studies, citizenship, leadership, effective speaking, outdoor survival, drill, sports and more. Aside from Friday nights, there are many extra activities run by the Squadron.Add Content...

What other activities are there?

The squadron has many year-long teams, including a drum and bugle band (can't play an instrument? we'll teach you), two drill teams, a shooting team, and a flag party. We also have sports teams, ground school classes (a prerequisite for glider and private pilot licenses), and much more. Just take a look around the website for a better idea.

Who can join Air Cadets?

Any Canadian citizen or legal resident in good health can join as early as 12 years of age, and no later than 16. Cadets can remain in the program until they turn 19.

How much is it going to cost me?

There is an annual Cadet Assessment Fee which the OPC imposes. We therefore need to collect a fee of $130.00 which each cadet is required to pay annually. If the fee causes any financial hardship please let us know.

Cadets are also required to participate in our fundraising activities.

We also have fees for certain events such as the March Break trip which is normally $400 for a 5-7 day trip. Other events are Cadet Banquet has a cost $10 and the Winter Overnight Exercise which has a cost of $40. More details and exact costs will be determined before the activity will in advance, and these activities are optional.

Air Cadets is sponsored by a civilian agency and the squadron raises its own money during the year by selling tags and lottery tickets. The Canadian Armed Forces provides uniforms, training facilities and instructors, and thus, most of the program is free. 

If a member will have difficulty paying any fee's please speak to the staff and will work something out with them.

Who teaches Air Cadets?

Air Cadet instructors are often past cadets themselves. They are members of the community and hold civilian occupations in areas such as business owners, police officers, school employees, and students. Higher ranking air cadets are also instructors.

Are there summer camps?

Summer courses are a very big part of Air Cadets, and are run every year in July and August. There are many different courses ranging from 2 to 7 weeks. Cadets are not required to attend the courses, but it is highly recommended. Cadets can take everything from basic cadet courses to advanced technical training, and from leadership courses to aerospace studies, and make great friends from all over Canada in the process! Summer courses are free, and eventually an experienced cadet can apply for staff positions for summer courses, and get pay equivalent to a full-time summer job.

Can I get my pilot's license?

Yes! Air Cadets offers two Transport Canada Pilot licenses, the Glider Pilot License (GPL) and the Private Pilot License (PPL). Scholarships are offered to air cadets in order for them to get their pilot licenses at various flight schools around the province. The licenses are free through Air Cadets (the GPL normally costs $2000, while PPL normally costs around $10 000), cadets just have to pay with their dedication and hard work in the squadron.During the year, cadets with a glider license can fly at various cadet gliding centres around the province during weekends, and scholarships are offered to pay for continued flying when some cadets retire. Air cadets is one of the largest youth flight training programs in the world, and in fact, over 60 percent of Canada's airline pilots got their start in Air Cadets.

Do I need to join the military?

Air Cadets are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces, nor will they ever be asked to join. However, cadets who do choose to join will have a great advantage over other applicants (many airmen and officers in the Canadian  Armed Forces started off in the cadet program). However, cadets will never be required to serve with the military.

Do we travel?

Every year, cadets from 180 go on a trip to the United States during March Break to visit various U.S. Air Force, Army, Naval, and Marine Corps bases and other tourist attractions. As well, we travel within Ontario regularly. Each summer, cadets from across Canada have the opportunity to enter in the exchange program to locations all over the world!

Where is 180 Squadron located?

The squadron operates on Friday nights at Glenview Public School, near Lawrence Ave W and Avenue Rd. Some of the additional training is done at Denison Armoury, near Allen Rd and Sheppard Ave W.

Map and Directions to Glenview Public School 

How do I join?

To join the Squadron, you must register during one of our two intakes in either September or January. If you decide to join, you will need to fill out and hand in an application, show your Ontario health card (or proof of other health insurance), and show and submit a photocopy of proof of Canadian citizenship or legal resident status (such as a birth certificate or passport). 


More Questions?

If you have more questions, call us at 416-890-1964, or contact us online: Contact Us
